مدرسة الدكة الإبتدائية

مديرية التربية والتعليم بأسوان
ادارة نصر النوبة التعليمية
مدرسة الدكة الإبتدائية



الاثنين، 23 مايو 2011

Download Magazine Basic : free Wordpress theme

Built for WordPress 3.1. A magazine style theme with a fully customizable layout. Theme options include site width, widgetized sidebars, header logo, multiple front page grid layouts, cuostm nav menus, post formats, Google Analytics, pagination, drop-down menus and tons more. Tested in Firefox 3.6, IE 7 & 8, Safari 5 and Chrome 7. Fully optimized for search engine ranking. Translation ready. 100% valid xHTML. Designed by Themes by bavotasan.com

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